10 Last minute fall activities for kids

10 Last minute fall activities for kids

10 Last minute fall activities for kids

Want to squeeze in some last minute fall activities before winter hits? Here is a list of 10 simple activities that don't need a lot of prep.

10 Fall Activities

1. Pumpkin painting

Grab a white pumpkin and bright paint and ask your child to cover the entire surface care. 

pumpkin painting

2. Weather matching sensory bin

With supplies from the dollar store or your kitchen cupboard, create a sensory bin that matches the fall weather.

Fall sensory bin

3. Lead rubbings

Collect leaves and place them under a blank piece of paper. Ask you child to colour over the top of the paper using the edge of a crayon, pulling the imprint of the leaves onto the paper.

Leaf rubbings

4. Nature stained glass 

Purchase con-tact paper and tape it to a wall or window, sticky side out. collect natural items outside and  have your child stick them to the contact paper, creating a stained glass design. Attach another piece of con-tact paper, sticky side in when complete to secure all of the items.

Fall stained glass

5. Fall loose parts

Fill a tray with a variety of loose parts resembling fall. Allow your child the opportunity to explore them and create what they would like. 

fall loose parts

6. Leaf crown

Collect a variety of colour leaves, cut strips of paper and have your child glue the leaves to the paper however they would like. Glue the two ends together once finished, so the crown can be placed on their head. 

Leaf crown

7. Nature Cooking

Bring bowls, plates and cutlery outside and pretend to create a Thanksgiving feast with natural items found in the yard. Label the items as different types of food, pretend cook everything and then serve it up on a plate. Enjoy your feast together on a picnic blanket. 

Nature cooking

8. Acorn counting

Practice math skills using acorns by encouraging your child to sort, categorize, measure and count the acorns.

9. Pumpkin washing station

Pumpkins can always use a good clean! Get a cloth and fill some bowls with soap and water, encourage your child to wash and dry all fo the pumpkins. Then put them on display and admire their hard work. 

pumpkin washing station

10. Apple stamps

Grab some blank paper, place paint on a paper plate and cut apples in half. Allow your child to dip the apples in the paint and stamp them on the blank paper creating a design. 

apple stamps

Fall is not over yet! Let's enjoy it while we can!

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