Tips for creating a successful learning environment within your home.

Tips for creating a successful learning environment within your home.

 1. Limit background noises and distractions.

Even as an adult, background music and talking can be a distraction when trying to focus on a task. This is the same for children. Limiting aggressive background noises, tvs, talking and music makes for a more tranquil learning environment and helps your child to focus in on the learning objective.

 2. Get physical before the learning experience.

Studies have shown that basic cognitive functions and attention are improved when a child engages in physical activity before the learning experience. Exercise helps to pump more oxygen to the child’s brain, which in turn, makes for more optimal learning. So, head outside, walk the dog or head to the park with your child before diving into to a developmental activity.

 3. Keep it light.

Teaching your child to count to 10 or the letters of the alphabet should not be a frustrating experience. Keep it light and fun. Just like adults, children learn at all different speeds and in various ways. They need continuous repetition and to be introduced to concepts through different learning pathways: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic/tactile, and taste. You may want things done in a particular way, but remember, they’re children. Allow them to lead the learning and take control of the task. Patience and positivity are the name of the game when creating a comfortable and successful learning environment within the home.

 4. Positive reinforcement and rewards.

Creating a rewards system is a simple and effective way to motivate your child in the learning environment. Try to stay away from big rewards or candy. I’m talking gems from the dollar store or simple objects like marbles or felt pieces. Keep a jar in sight, and when your child engages in a developmental experience, offer them the object to put in the jar. They’ll be so excited and proud to see their jar fill up.  

 5. Routine and consistency.

Carve out a specific time in the day for direct or explicit learning and teaching. Talk about the routine every day, and directly explain to your child when you’ll be engaging in ‘learning time’. Just like school or a workspace, routine and consistency help set expectations and make for a predictable learning environment for your child.

Our Early Reader Pack helps to create a positive and effective learning environment for your child. With over 200 fun and engaging developmental activities, your little ones will grow a love for learning right within your home.

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